Are you looking for delicious, creamy raw dairy near you? Let us provide that for you!
In 2023 the state of Iowa made it legal for small farms (less than 10 cows in milk) to sell raw milk direct to customers. We have been serving our local community from the day it opened up.
Read on for a glimpse into our milking practices, to meet the ladies and learn how you too can access these lovely products.
Meet the cows
Each cow has a different personality and all add interest to our farm!
Mocha is the first cow we started milking in 2022. She is a full Jersey and very gentle. A little distrusting of stange people Mocha likes to keep to her self and take only what she needs.
Jenny was the first cow I ever bought when I was young and full of excitement. She was a heifer and not bred, so it took us a while but she gave us her first calf in January of 24. Jenny is a Holstein Jersey and full of spunck and command. She will push the others around and pull for the lead position against Clara.
The daughter of Mocha, Maple is a full Jersey. She was the first baby calf born on our farm. And now has a baby of her own. She loves head scratches.
Robin joined our farm in the fall of 23 from a neighboring farm. Always shy, Robin is slow to come to the fence and always the last down the path to a new field. She is Jersey Holstein and growing into a fine milk cow.
Autumn is the daughter of Clara and definitely has more Brown Swiss in her than her mom does. Autumn is still growing. She spends her days romping in the fields with Robin and Coco.
The Boys - Hamster & Coco
Hamster is the same age as Maple, destined for the freezer in the fall. He loves to get out and will try any gate.
Coco was born on the first day of out big snow storm! He is being tested to see if he will be our bull.
Twice a day we head to the barn to milk, and care for the ladies.
It all starts in the basement of our farm house where we get everything gathered up, then we head to the barn.
The milk cows are given their ration of feed and they willing make their way to their own stall. They always go to the same one every time.
Backs are brushed. Udders are wiped clean with warm soapy water. Then the vacuum pump is started and the milker is attached.
When the milking is done, the milk is poured into 5 gal buckets with ice packs to rapidly cool the hot milk. Then it is carried back to the basement.
The cows get turned back out to the field. In the winter, hay is always available! In the summer, grass is rotationally grazed.
After the cows are released and happy, it back to the basement to carefully strain and package the milk. Afterwards it is labeled for the customers and placed in the "milk fridge". The customers come on their designated day to pick up their milk and other products for the week!
The milk is rapidly cooled using ice packs. All equipment is cleaned and sterilized at the end of milking.
Milk is sold within 24 - 36 hours of being milked.
The milk fridge is kept at 36* F.
Yes! Once a month we send a milk sample from each cow and the bulk tank to ISU to be tested for coliform bacteria and the Standard plate count. If they find something wrong, we work with our vet to find and fix the issue.
In addition the cows all get a yearly check up with addition testing to make sure they are healthy and happy!
While a few of our cows are A2A2, not everyone one is. We are not willing to trash a cow who is perfectly good in every other way, so for now, we are not an A2A2 dairy.
Yes! We sell other dairy products; butter, yogurt, buttermilk and cream as well as some other farm products such as eggs and bread. See our current listing of products under “Our Products”.
We are located just West of Dallas Center, in Central Iowa. Contact us for our Address.
We are so excited to hear from you! Fill out the form below to let us know what you are interested in and we will reach out to you soon!