Simplicity is not a list of rules but a mindset.

Hi! Welcome to Simply Living Homestead! I'm so glad you stopped by. My name is Amanda and there are a few things you should know about me.  

I'm a Christian. Unashamedly.  

I have ADHD. I write about what ever I want, when I want to. Hopefully, consistently. 

I am a messy country girl. Life isn't always pretty but it is real. 

I hope you stick around. Maybe you'll find one of my writing up your alley. Where ever life takes you I pray you find peace, love and security in Jesus. 

So who am I, really? I was born into a conservative Christian home and remain there by choice.  

I'm a stay-at-home mom of one, married to the most amazing man in the world. I own a raw milk dairy. On any given day you might find me somewhere on our family farm in Iowa, hanging out laundry on my clothes line, building fences, working in our square-foot garden or carrying for a baby animal. Whenever I'm not in the field, I spend my time in the kitchen, meeting the needs of the hungry in my life. 

Before I started simplifing my life, I felt stretched thin and pulled in more directions than I could count, leaving me tired, stressed and in tears more nights than not. Honestly, sometimes I still feel that way, but each decision and experience takes me closer to my goal. 

I decided to start this blog to take you along on my journey to be coming a better wife and mother by cultivating a mindset of simplicity and self sustainability. 

 My conservative Christian culture gives me a unique standpoint on what it means to care for others and the world around us. My hope is everyone who comes across my blog will be enriched in their faith, encouraged by my stories, and empowered to live a life of greater mindfulness. 

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